Discover 100 Years of history at the MOORCROFT HERITAGE VISITOR CENTRE

Designs from past & present, visit our Shop

More about our Shop

Take a look back in time at our Museum

More about our Museum

Come and meet our Master Craftsmen and Women

Take a guided tour around the factory to fully appreciate the skill and craftsmanship involved in producing our fabulous works of art.

  • Bookings and Enquiries: +44(0) 1782 820 515
  • Tour Times:  10.45am - Wednesday & Thursday
  • Adults - £10.00 | Children - £7.00 | Members - FREE
Book your factory Tour


Heritage Visitor Centre

With an unrivalled heritage and very bright future, Stoke-on-Trent (affectionately known as The Potteries), is officially recognised as the World Capital of Ceramics.  In truth, the Moorcroft Heritage Visitor Centre has been described as the jewel in Stoke-on-Trent's crown. From the very moment you step inside The Moorcroft Heritage Visitor Centre, under the vast shadow of the colossal Moorcroft Grade II Listed Bottle Oven, pottery glistens like precious stones in an exciting array of vivid colours and in a wealth of designs. All in stark contrast to Stoke-on-Trent's industrial backdrop.

To add to the delightful atmosphere, you can quite literally step inside the Grade II Listed Bottleoven, just as potters would have done over a century ago, as they balanced saggars on the heads. Framed photographs of Moorcroft potters past allow you to bask in times gone by, indeed, there is even a pot with that name! The Moorcroft factory was built in 1913, and was a forerunner of the safe working environments we have today. Designed all on one level, like an artists studio, it was a far cry from the other dark, cramped factories in the City at that time which necessitated lifting heavy equipment up and down stairs. 

Apart from the soft laughter and gentle footsteps of our tour guides, there are no other sounds - mechanical processes were abhorrent to the Arts & Crafts founder of Moorcroft. This is just as true today as it has always been - the pensive stillness of Moorcroft's craftsmen and women still relax the soul.

Museum, which houses fascinating pieces of Moorcroft in their original Liberty Cabinets, allows visitors to view the history of ceramic art through the ages. Journey through Art Nouveau, and Art Deco to the astounding designs of today and bask in a ceramic heritage par excellence.  Entrance to the shop and Museum is Free of Charge.  We recommend planning your visit in advance and booking a guided Moorcroft Factory Tour - which many see as an essential element of your visit to Moorcroft. The unique hand made process remains almost the same today as it has done for over 100 years. Made by hand for collectors around the world, each piece created results in designs made up of rich deep colours, and all these beautiful works of art can be viewed and purchased in the Moorcroft shop.