A Celebration of the Winter Garden Event - Click Here for Details

From One Seed Collection

The darling of cottage walled gardens, sweet peas in traditional hues, bicolour, picotee, ‘shifter’ pastels and deep velvet tones diffuse into the heritage skills and artistry of Moorcroft to create a collection that showcases the beauty of the sweet pea. Interestingly, the sweet pea’s arrival was courtesy of a Sicilian monk, Franciscus Cupani, who wrote a Flora of Sicily and in 1699, sent seeds of Lathyrus odoratus to various institutions and plant collectors. In truth, the age of the British sweet pea can be said to have truly arrived when a man named Henry Eckford opened his own nursery at Wem in Shropshire in 1888, and dedicated the rest of his life to improving and expanding the small band of sweet peas then available. Today, Wem’s street signs now carry a sweet-pea motif in his name.

The transient beauty of this flower gives joy within your home in the Arts and Crafts tradition. Coming from the consummate skills of the Moorcroft Design Studio, sweet peas bloom in multiple colours and forms create a titillating show of glorious colour and form.

Sweetness - Vase Sweetness - Vase


£630.00 £252.00
Sweetness - Jug Sweetness - Jug


£545.00 £218.00
From One Seed - Plaque From One Seed - Plaque


From One Seed

£395.00 £316.00
Queen of the Annuals - Vase Queen of the Annuals - Vase


Queen of the Annuals

£390.00 £156.00
Sweetness - Vase Sweetness - Vase

