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A Message from Moorcroft's Managing Director

Posted on - 26th June 2020
A Message from Moorcroft's Managing Director

The first four weeks of Moorcroft’s phased return to work, which began with a small number of key production staff came to an end last night, and our staff are now enjoying their annual ‘Potters Holiday’ until the 20th July. Tubelining bags and paint brushes have been put down again, until our staff return to create more pieces for collectors around the world to enjoy. The good news is that the last kiln to have been fired contained a great selection of new and exciting designers’ trials. We are now busy photographing these and we shall be unveiling them on our website in July. That will be something to very much look forward to. 

When our key staff return to work again, our priority will be to continue completing outstanding orders, such as Kerry Goodwin’s Miniature of the Month vases. The special offer code of MINIMONTH6 for her June vase, Flag Iris, expires on the 30th June, and Sun Worshipper, a new vase with bright yellow sunflowers will be launched on the 1st July.

While the factory is closed, there will still be lots of things happening on our website, commencing with our Potters Holiday Sale which starts tomorrow morning. You will also discover on our website our second Design Vote.  If you have not already voted for your favourite, as yet unlaunched designs, you have until the 15th of July to vote. We plan to offer a further new design vote in August to keep your artistic vision active. From the comments we have already received we know that you are very much enjoying seeing the watercolours of designs of the future.  So, let us know your 3 favourite designs by emailing them to MClub@moorcroft.com and one lucky winner will receive their favourite trial as soon as it emerges from our kiln! 

Eric Knowles, Moorcroft Director, and ceramic aficionado, has been busy during lockdown creating three videos that can be viewed on YouTube about Moorcroft through the ages. To watch the videos, click on the links below. Eric’s videos are produced in aid of the British Red Cross Coronavirus campaign, and after watching if you wish to make a donation please visit donate.redcross.org.uk/appeal/uk-crisis-appeal


Watch Video 1 of 3         Vatch Video 2 of 3          Watch Video 3 of 3

These special videos have got me thinking that perhaps I might try and make one myself, perhaps to show Club members some of the new pieces that our designers have been hard at work creating in June. So, watch this space!  In the meantime, if you have any photos, emails, or thoughts which you would like to share with us, please send them to MClub@Moorcroft.com  Some of these may well feature on our website News Page.

Thank you so much for your loyal support and dedication, which is helping our small art pottery survive yet again, during this unprecedented time of Coronavirus.  I that hope you, your family and friends, stay safe and well.

Wishing you all the best,

Elise Adams
Managing Director