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Beating the Blues

Posted on - 11th May 2020
Beating the Blues

Long standing Club Member, Jon Burrell, wrote and sent us this poem with accompanying images taken during a recent walk, which we thought other Club members might enjoy. 

If you have any poems or photos you would like to share with us or an email you would like to send us, that we can share with your fellow Club members, then please send them to


The cars feeling neglected
But the gardens nearly perfected
I’m eating my way through the freezer
Watching box sets season by season.

The exercise bikes been dusted down
It’s going nowhere, certainly not to town
Walking is ok, keep to trails from home
But keep social distancing or expect a moan.

The football season is on hold
It’ll be 2021 for Olympics gold
Will entertainment ever be the same?
In Captain Tom we have a hero, again.

I’m missing friends and family
Things that normally seem ordinary
Yes I have the phone and internet
But Zoom and Whatsapp have escaped me yet.

My on-line presence was the weekly washing
But if banking, be aware of suspect phising
Contactless payment is preferred by all
With less income, the balance has seen a fall

Jigsaws are a welcome distraction
But long hair, less of an attraction
There’s queues for DIY paint
Home schooling? – the teachers a saint!

There’s different words in common use
Furlough and New Normal can confuse
Brexit was the only worry word
Until this virus hit and changed the world.

Are we finishing too early, or started too late?
For some, their PPE must still wait.
The situation had never been felt before
Government needed to change the law

Support the NHS and key workers fight
Clap with neighbours each Thursday night
We are all in it together
It will end, things will get better.

There’s been goats wandering the town
Their playful antics lift the frown
The dawn chorus is getting louder
With an increase in wildlife I feel prouder

The sun is shining stronger
The days are getting longer
Nature is calming in difficult times
So focus on the positive signs.